Monday, March 26, 2007

Development Tip

One essential of effective leadership is in the fair treatment of the individuals that are on the teams that you lead. Leaders must be fair in the application of policies, procedures, and in how you treat your people. This does not apply, however, to how you develop or lead people. People respond and relate differently to the world and their environments. Typically, experts have categorized adult learners into three categories (visual, auditory and kinesthetic). In order to effectively lead each individual on your team you are going to first have to identify how they primarily learn and relate to the world. Once this is established you can more effectively tailor your message to effectively invoke, improve or change behavior. You can identify this by listening for cues in the language people use in their daily activities. You might hear a statement like, "I see what you are saying." This is a good indication that the individual making the statement is a visual learner. You can use this simple technique to improve the packaging of your communication in a way that will elevate an individuals performance. Play around with this "tip" and let me know if it helps you better connect with someone or convey a message to those you are leading.

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