Thursday, March 5, 2009

Smoke, Spark or Fire

What is it that distinguishes a great leader from an ordinary one or a visionary leader from one that struggles to gain followship? While sound business skills, proper planning and execution will take a leader far, it is the level of passion a leader possesses that is the ultimate identifier.

One of my earliest professional mentors liked to talk about "the fire in the belly." How would you define your level of passion? Is there smoke, a spark or fire in your "belly?" If your answer is "smoke" or "a spark," it might be time to stoke the embers by placing additional focus on your strengths as to add a higher level of satisfaction to what it is you are doing professionally. Where can you contribute the most to add value to your organization? Find it, embrace it and invite others to contribute to it while allowing these same individuals to add value to the cause based on their strengths. This will ensure that your key folks do not lose their passion. People feel productive and part of a greater cause by being able to see the vision of a leader they will follow. What is a leader without followers? Ironically, followship can feed a leader's passion, but it is a leader's passion that will allow for followship.

In his book The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, John C. Maxwell identifies passion as a leaders first step to achievement, a way to increase willpower and ultimately a way to make the impossible possible.

Understand and follow your passion. Use your "fire quest" as a way to guide your vision and construct your strategy. This will allow for the smoke to spark into a fire of passion that will create energy to lead your organization to new, higher levels of success.

Time for a gut check: Smoke, Spark or Fire? Go ahead, make the "impossible possible!"

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